The field of medicine has now been divided to many professions. This is to ensure that these practitioners can focus on a specific specialty therefore reducing the amount of fatality. There are lots of healthcare professionals in the world today that can help anybody no matter what disease, illness or condition these individuals may be suffering.
As a provider of Skilled Nursing Services in Friendship Dr. Nashville IL, Friendship Manor has been promoting professional care and rehabilitation services for those who are suffering from stroke. We make these services possible with the help of our specially trained professionals in their specific fields which are:
- Physician
Our physician does not have to be the sole executor of our patient’s treatment. Of course, they also include the physicians of the patient themselves. Some physicians that can contribute to the wellbeing of patients recuperating from stroke are the following:
- Family physician
- Internist – primary care doctor
- Geriatricians – specializes in working with the older patients
- Neurologists – specializes in the nervous system
- Physiatrists – specializes in rehabilitation and physical medicine
In planning one’s rehabilitation plan, your physicians as well as our other healthcare practitioners and experts work hand in hand to help you get back up once again and do the things that matter to you most.
- Rehabilitation nurse
When there is a doctor, there is always the nurse to assist them. The rehabilitation nurses are good at nursing and giving care for the people who have disabilities including those who have stroke. Unlike the doctors, they are closer to the patients and their family than the doctor.
- Physical Therapist
Aside from experienced physicians and registered nurses, we also have physical therapists as part of our team of providers of Skilled Nursing Services in Friendship Dr. Nashville IL. They are the ones who take charge with evaluating and treating the problems of stroke patients especially when this is with regards to moving, balance and coordination.
- Occupational Therapist
Physical therapists are responsible for movement while an occupational therapist is tasked to aid the patient do certain tasks to make him or her independent once again. Such tasks include eating, cooking, bathing, writing, dressing up and many more to mention.
- Speech-language pathologist
We mentioned in our previous blogs about stoke that one of the very many things that may hinder a stroke survivor’s life is their disability to speak or even swallow. Thus, we recruit top performing Speech-Language Pathologists to be a part of our team who provides Skilled Nursing Services in Friendship Dr. Nashville IL.
Additional rehabilitation Experts for Stroke Patients:
- Psychologists
These professionals help stroke survivors and family members who are experiencing depression and other mental illnesses.
- Therapeutic recreation specialists
Among the many jobs of these professionals include incorporating recreational activities that the patient enjoys before they got struck with the condition. This also encourages the patient to practice the skills he or she wants and needs in life.
Remember, when your family member or when you are suffering from stroke and find the recovery long and hard, you can always refer to us to provide you the services you need in order to bring your life back.
As a stroke survivor or as a family member or friend of someone who has recovered from stroke, who helped you on the journey to recovery? Give them thanks by commenting down below how these people contributed to the recuperation process.